Borderlands: an enquiry on places and experiences of banal cosmopolitism


25.04.2017 16:15 - 17:45

Joint Institutes Colloquium, MPI for Social Anthropology and Seminar for Social Anthropology, MLU

Michel Agier (EHESS, Paris, France)

Main Seminar Room

I will at first present an account of the discomfort of anthropology facing mobility and multilocality and, to overcome it, I propose to put the focus on places and situations before allegedly established identities and cultures. I will then present three modalities of being a border dweller in precarious conditions today – wanderer, pariah and meteque – and exploring their respective places – the border encampment (from Patras to Calais), the camp (for refugees and displaced persons) and the urban squat (in peripheral urban areas) – with ethnographic cases. Finally I will propose an anthropological view on banal cosmopolitism, founded on mobility and borders situations. (Speaker’s abstract)

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