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Damazin, 23.7.1996
Interviewee: Sheikh Baabo Umar, Fulɓe Mbororo
Interviewer: Günther Schlee
Field assistant: Anwar Abu-Manga
Transcription, transliteration (Arabic [Sudan]): Günther Schlee
Translation: Günther Schlee & Anwar Abu-Manga





I was born in the Sudan, here in Damazin. And my father was born in Nigeria. And he was very young (when he came here). The reason (for the migration) was that the British came to Nigeria.

Anaa mawluud fii as Suudaan hina fii ad Damazin wa abii mawluud fii Naajiiriya. Wa kaan umruh saghayyir as sabab Ingliis khashsha fii Naajiiriya.

انا مولود فى السودان هنا فى الدمازين. وابى مولود فى نجيريا. وكان عمره صغِّير. السبب الإنجليز خش [= دخل] فى نجيريا.

And the Sultan Mai-Wurno[1] came straight to Maiurno with his relatives and villagers.

Wa as Sulṭaan Mai-Wurno ṭawaalii khashsha fii Maiurno wa l ahal bitaaʿinuu al baadiya.

والسلطان مايرنو طوالى خش فى مايرنو والأهل بتاعينو الباديا.

When we came from there, there was lack (of water), there was no water.

Wagit gumna min hinaak kaan al ʿadam kaan mooya maafii.

وقت قمنا من هناك كان العدم كان موية مافى.

And we lived in the bush. The government at that time consisted of districts, each of which had its own self-administration.

Wa niḥna ʿaishiin fii l khalaaʾ. Kaan zaman ḥukuuma baraahaa min al ʿaaṣima.

ونحن عيشين فى الخلاء. كان زمن كل ولاية عندها حكومة براها من العاصمة.

They had a naaẓir[2] (Nazir) who was responsible for the villages.

ʿInahaa naaẓir masʾuul ʿan al bilaad.

عندها ناظر مسئول عن البلاد.

And all Fallaata belonged to ʿUthman ibn Fodio (Usman dan Fodio). And he lived by a river called Gobir in the north of Kano. We found Sultan Mai-Wurno staying in Shaikh Talha (town).

Wa kaan al-Fallaata(h) kullahum taabiʿin li ʿUthman ibn Fodio. Wa kaan fi baḥar fi shamaal Kano ismuhu Gobir. Ligiinaa s Sulṭan Mai-Wurno gaʿid fii Sheekh Ṭalḥa.

وكان الفلاتة كلهم تابعين لعثمان إبن فوديو. وكان فى بحر فى شمال كانو اسمه قوبِر. لقينا السلطان مايرنو قعِد فى شيخ طلحة.

Q1: Before he (Mai-Wurno)  reached there which route did he take?


س1: قبل أن جاء الى شيخ طلحة جاء بأي طريق؟

(And) he was coming by way of Cameroon. He started from Maiduguri, from a village by the name of Yarwa. He entered from Yarwa into Cameroon and stayed there for four years.

Wa kaan jaaʾa bi ṭariig al Kameruun min Maiduguri min balad ismuh Yarwa(h). Khashsha min Yarwah le l Kamruun wa gaʿad arbaʿa sanawaat.

وكان جاء بطريق الكمرون. قام من مي دقرى من بلد إسمه يروه. خش من يروه للكمرون وقعد اربعة سنوات.

With their cattle and their goats they went to Cameroon having entered into the country in the north near the Chad border.

Bee bagarahum wa ganamahum marro fii Kamaruun khashshoo fii balad fii shamal fii ḥuduud Tashaad.

بى بقرهم وغنمهم مروا فى كمرون خشوا في بلد في شمال حدود تشاد.

Q2: In Adamawa?


س2: فى أدماوه؟

Yes, that’s it.

Aiwa bas.

أيوا، بس.

There is a lake in the north of Cameroon called Lake Chad.

Fii baḥar fii shamaal Kamaruun ismuh baḥar Tashaad.

فى بحر فى شمال كمرون إسمه بحر تشاد.

And there is a river by the name of Saadi (Shari?), a big river. Kisira is to the west of the river. Of course, there was no bridge.

Wa fii baḥar ismuhu Saadii, baḥar kabiir. Kisira garb al baḥar. Tabaʿan kubri maa fii.

وفى بحر إسمه بحر صادى بحر كبير. كسرى غرب البحر. طبعاً كبرى ما فى.

When they came into Chad, they stayed to the south of N’Djamena.

ʿIndamaa jaaʾuu fii Tashaad gaʿadoo fii januub Injameena.

عندما جاوا فى تشاد قعدوا فى جنوب انجمينا.

And after that they stayed nine years near the rivers Saadi and Kuuri (?). And from there, there was a Sultan by the name of Sultan Mai-Wurno, and the villages belonged to him. And further on there was a deputy in charge of the villages by the name of Mu’min.

Wa baʿad dhaalik gaʿadoo tisʿa sanawaat gurb baḥar Saadii wa Kuurii. Wa min hinaak fii s Sulṭan ismuh as Sulṭan Mai-Wurno wa bitaaʿa l baadiya hagu wa min hinaak fii l wakiil ʿibaara ʿan mushrif al baadiya ismuhu Muʾmin bitaabiʿuu.

وبعد ذلك قعدوا تسع سنوات قرب بحر صادى وكورى. ومن هناك فى السلطان إسمه السلطان مايرنوا وبتاع البادية حقه ومن هناك فى الوكيل عبارة عن مُشرف البادية إسمه مؤمن بتابعوا.

Five elders of the Umm Bororo (Mbororo) were prepared to go to Maiurno. They started to come here (i.e., in this region, Sudan) from a place within the borders of Zalingei.

Khamsa min kibaar al Umm Bororo istaʿaddo bidukhuul Maiurno. Gamoo dakhaloo fi mantega fii ḥuduud az Zaalinjee (= Zaalingee).

خمسة من كبار الأم برورو استعدوا لدخول مايرنو. قاموا دخلوا فى منطقة  فى حدود الزالنجى.

And they came by way of Nyala, west of Andako (Um Daafoog) and some of them entered by Gaabah.

Wa joo ʿan tariig Nyaala gharb Andaakoo (Um Daafoog) wa juzʿu minhum khashsha fii Gaabah.

وجوا عن طريق نيالا غرب انداكوا [= أم دافوق] وجزء منهم خش فى قابة.

Q3: And your father and family came by which route?


س3: وابوك وعائلتكم جاء من أيّ طريق؟

They went to Nyala and spent three years there.

Joo fi Nyaala ʿamaluu fiihi talaata sanawaat.

جوا [= جاوا]  فى نيالا عملوا فيه تلات [ثلاث] سنوات.

From there my father went straight to El Obeid and founded the village Um Hajar, west of the White Nile Province. From there they moved in the area around the river for 14 years. From there they went to Kosti, and from there to Maiurno.

Min hinaak abuy ʿadda tawaali jaaʿa fii al-Ubayyid ʿamalu ḥilla Um Hajar gharb wilaayat an-Niil al-Abyad. Minnu ʿabaru bi l baḥar arbaʿata ʿashara sanna. Minnu ʿaddu ila Kosti wa minnu ila Maiurno.

من هناك ابوى عد [ذهب] طوالى جاء فى الأبيض عملوا حلة أم حجر غرب ولاية النيل الأبيض. منوا عبروا بالبحر اربعة عشر سنة. منو عدوا الى كوستى ومنو الى مايرنو.

Q4: Did you all travel together with Sultan Mai-Wurno?


س4: جئيتم كلكم مع السلطان مايرنو؟

From this point, from here to Malakal the leadership of all of the Fallaata belonged to Mai-Wurno.

Min hina khalaaṣ, min hinaa lee Malakaan ism Fallaata riʾaasa kullu bitaaʿu Mai-Wurno.

من هنا خلاص من هنا إسم فلاتة لى ملكان رئاسة كلو بتاعو مايرنو.

Q5: From your departure from Nigeria until you reached Maiurno, how many years did it take?


س5: منذ أن قاموا من نايجيريا حتى مايرنو كم سنة؟

They started from Sokoto. To Cameroon (it took them) 21 years. They went slowly at the pace of the livestock (which needed) rest. From Cameroon to Chad (it took) 24 years.

Gaamu min Sokoto ḥatta Kamaruun waḥid wa ʿishriin sanna. Maashiin beraaha laggait albahaaim tartaaḥ. Min Kamaruun ḥatta Tshaad arbaʿa wa ʿishriin sanna.

قاموا من سكتو حتى كمروت واحد وعشرين سنة. ماشين براحة لقايت البهايم ترتاح. من كمرون حتى تشاد أربع وعشرين سنة.


In the area between Chad and the Sudan they stayed eight years.

Min Tshaad ilaa as Suudaan tammo tamaaniya sanna.

من تشاد الى السودان تمّوا تمانية سنة.

Then they entered Nyala. Then, of course, they entered Sudan finally.

Baʿad daak khashshuu Nyaala. Tabaʿan baʿad daak khashshuu as Sudan khalaaṣ.

بعد داك خشوا نيالا. تبعاً بعد داك خشوا السودان خلاص.

Up to today, some of our people live there, in Nyala. And some of them entered Kosti when the British left or before they left the Sudan two years later.

Lee hasseʿ fii naas gaʿidiin fii Nyaala hinaak, wa juzʾu dakhaloo Kosti lamma al-Ingliizi khalluu as Suudaan baʿad maa akhaduu sanateen al-Ingliiz ghaadaruu as-Sudan.

لى هسع فى ناس قعدين فى نيالا هناك. وجزء دخلوا كوستى لمّا الإنجليز خلوا السودان بعد ما أخدوا سنتين الإنجليز غادروا السودان.

Q6: Did they come before the Mahdiyya or during the time of the Mahdiyya?[3]


س6: هل جاؤا قبل المهدية او فى وقت المهدية؟

They came six years before the Mahdiyya.

Joo gabla al-Mahdiyya bee sitta sanna.

جوا قبل المهدية بى ستة سنة.

Q7: What did they do during the Mahdiyya? And did the tribes join the Mahdiyya?


س7: ماذا فعلوا عن المهدية؟ وهل القبائل انضمت مع المهدية؟

When we came, four tribes joined the Mahdiyya. But the remainder did not join the Mahdiyya.

Wakit jiinaa arbaʿa gabaaʾil inḍammat maʿa al-Mahdiyya. Laakin al baagi lam yanḍammuu maʿa l Mahdiyya.

وقت جئنا اربع قبائل إنضمت مع المهدية. لكن الباقى لم ينضموا مع المهدية.

Q8: What were the names of the four tribes that joined the Mahdiyya?


س8: إسم القبائل الآربع التى انضمت مع المهدية؟

One is Duga, (then there is) Jafun, (Fallaata) Malle called Gamba, (and) the last one is Ngara.

Waaḥid Duga, Jaafuun, Malle, biguuluu leeh Gamba, al aakhir Ngara.[4]

واحد دوقا، جافون، ملى، بقولوا ليه قمبا، الأخر نقرا.

Q9: Were all of them Fulani? Was their Sultan Attahiru?[5]


س9: كلهم فولانى سلطانهم الطاهر؟

All of them were Fulani. And their Sultan was Attahiru.  But, after they came to Sudan it happened that there was no Sultan and their Sultan became the Sultan of Maiurno.

Kulluhum Fulani, wa Sulṭaanuhum kaan at-Ṭahiru. Laakin min maa dakhluu s Suudaan bagaa maafii Sulṭan wa bagaa Sulṭaanuhum as-Sulṭaan Maiurno.

كلهم فولانى وسلطانهم كان الطاهر لكن من ما دخلوا السودان بقى ما فى سلطان وبقى سلطانهم السلطان مايرنو.

The first tribes to enter the Sudan were the Mbororo.

Awwala al gabaaʾil al dakhalat as Suudaan Umm Bororo.

اول القبائل الدخلت السودان ام برورو.

Q10: Are the Duga and the Fallaata Malle also Mbororo?


س10: هل الدقا والفلاتى ملى ايضاً ام برورو؟

Mbororo. But any people who are of the same grouping and have the same cows and the same customs and the same traditions (would be called Umm Bororo).

Umm Bororo. Lakin ayyu naas baraahum wa baggarhum waaḥid wa ṭabiiʿa waaḥid wa al tagaliid waaḥid.

أم برورو. لكن أي ناس براهم وبقرهم واحد وطبيعة واحد والتقاليد واحد.

Q11: When they left there, did every one of them have enough cattle to make a living? And particularly did the scholars and the town dwellers among them have enough cattle to get along?


س11: عندما خرجوا من هناك كان كل واحد معه بقر كافة لمعشته خاصة وهل كان العلماء والسكان المدن بينهم بقر كافى لمعيشتهم؟

There were no towns and no trade but there were cattle and sheep, and there were donkeys for transporting things they needed for their livelihood.

Maafii al mudun wa t tijaara kaanat fii al baggar wa kanat fii al ḍaan wa l maʾiisha hiya al ḥimaar.

مافى المدن والتجارة كانت فى البقر وكانت فى الضان والمعيشه هى الحمار.

Q12: How did you obtain camels?


س12: كيف تحصلتم على الجمال؟

The camels were found with the Arabs, and we used to buy the camels, because we carried our things and it was because of the water and because the town was far, and the camels were bred, just to carry our water.

Al jimaal wujidat ʿand al ʿArab wa kunna nashtarii al jimaal ʿashaan nashid fiihaa ashyaaʾnaa, wa kamaan ʿashaan al mooya wa l madiina baʾida wa kaan al jimaal nurabiihaa bas ʿashaan nangul beehaa al mooya.

الجمال وجدت عند العرب وكنا نشترى الجمال، عشان نشد  فيها أشياءنا وكمان عشان الموية والمدينة بعيدة وكان الجمال نربيها بس عشان ننقل بيها الموية.

Q13: I have seen Fulani in northern Benin and they were afraid of camels.


س13: رايت الفلاتى فى شمال بينين وهم يخافون الجمال.

Camels are found in the borderlands of the Sudan between Libya and Chad. And when the Fallaata came into the Sudan, there were tribes called Hamar in Kordofan. But the other tribes did not have camels. And we also came to know camels in the Sudan from the Hamar tribes living near us in the nomadic lands.

Al jimaal mutawaajida fii ḥuduud as Suudaan baina Liibiya wa Tashaad. Wa l Fallaata wagit dakhaluu as-Suudaan fii gabaaʿil ismahaa l Ḥamar fii Kurduufaan wa laakin bagii al gabaaʿil fii shamaal Kurduufaan maa ʿindahaa jimaal wa niḥna aidan ʿarifnaa l jimaal fii s Suudaan min gabaaʿil l Ḥamar taskun gariib minanaa fii l baadiya.

الجمال متواجدة فى حدود السودان بين ليبيا وتشاد والفلاتة وقت دخلوا السودان في  قبائل  إسمها الحمر فى كردفان ولكن بقى القبائل فى شمال كردفان ما عندها جمال ونحن ايضاً عرفنا الجمال فى السودان من قبائل الحمر تسكن قريب مننا فى البادية.

Much like the house to which we went yesterday (the Mbororo settlement we visited), there was a house belonging to Arabs near us. For that reason we came to know camels.

Zey al beet al masheena fii amis fii beet bitaaʿ ʿarabii jambanaa. ʿAshaan kiidaa nihna waalafna l jimaal.

زي البيت المشينا فى امس فى بيت بتاع عربى جمبنا. عشان كدا نحن والفنا الجمال.

And there were people who did not purchase camels because their children were afraid of them.

Wa fii naas maa akhadu l jimaal laʾanuu awlaaduhum yukhaafuuna minhaa.

وفى ناس ما أخدوا الجمال لأن اولادهم يخافون منها.

And they used to buy one or two in order to fetch water for themselves.

Wa kaan yashtaruuna waaḥid wa itneen ʿashaan yashiil al mooya bitaaʿum.

وكان يشترون واحد واتنين عشان يشيل المويه بتاعم.

At first they were afraid to ride camels.

Wa fii awwal marra khaafuu min rukuub aj jamal.

وفى اول مرة خافوا من ركوب الجمل.

Q14: And how did you learn to ride camels?


س14: وكيف تعلمتم ركوب الجمل؟

From our fathers. And our fathers learned it from our grandfathers. They used to buy some (camels) and train them by taking the camels to pasture, telling us upon their return to mount the camels.

Min abahaatinaa. Wa abahaatinaa itʿallamuu min ajdaadinaa. Kaan bishtaruu basiiṭ wa kaan biḥanisuunaa ʿashaan nasraḥ aj jamal wa kaan lamma najii biguuluu leenaa narkab aj jamal.

من ابهاتنا وابهاتنا اتعلموا من اجدادنا. كان بشتروا بسيط وكان بحنسونا عشان نسرح الجمل وكان لما نجى بقولوا لينا نركب الجمل.

Q15: And the goats and the cattle? Is their origin Nigerian?


س15: والغنم والبقر اصله من نجيريا؟

They are from Nigeria.

Min Najiiriya.

من نجيريا.

Q16: Livestock have different tribes like people; are there Fulani cattle?


س16: والمال عنده قبائل معينة مثل الناس - في بقر فلانى؟

There are four kinds of cattle that belong to the Fallaata.

Fii baggar bitaaʿa Fallaata bee arbaʿa nuuʿ.

فى بقر بتاع الفلاتة بى اربعة نوع.

Those with white ears and black horns are called kuuri beeḍa (‘white kuuri[6]). The tribe (to which they belong) is called Daneejii.

Abyaḍ al aḍaan, aswad al garin biguuluulee kuuri beeḍa. Gabiila biguuluulee Daneejii.

ابيض الأضان أسود القرن بقولو ليه: كورى بيضة قبيلة. بقولوا ليه دنيجى.

Q17: To which tribe do the kuuri beeḍa belong? Do all the Fallaata have the kuuri beeḍa?


س17: كورى بيضة من أي قبيلة فلاته كلهم بكورى بيضة؟

No, Daneejii. The cattle that belong to the Fallaata Mbororo are called kuuri ḥamra (‘red kuuri’). Another kind is called baudi. They are small in size and have big horns. The tribe (i.e., strain of cattle) to which they belong is gudaali. The colour of the cattle of the Kuuda is white. It is called booteejii. Their dew laps are long.

Laa, Daneeji. Bagar bitaaʿ Fallaata Umm Bororo biguuluulee kuuri ḥamra. Nuʿ taanii biguuluulee baudii. Ḥajimu saghayyir wa garin kabiir. Al gabiila bitaaʿu baudii gabaaʾil gudaalii. Ḳuuda loon baggarhum abiyaḍ. Ism bitaaʿu booteejii. Al ragabtu hagu tawiil.

لا دنيجى. بقر بتاع فلاته ام برورو بقولوا ليه كورى حمرة. نوع تانى بقولوا ليه بودى. حجمو صغير وقرن كبير. القبيلة بتاعو بودى . قبائل قدالى. كودة لون بقرهم أبيض. اسم بتاعوا بوتيجى. الرقبته حقوا طويل.

The small stock is of 41 kinds.

Aḍḍaan waaḥid wa arbaʿiin nuʿ.

الضان واحد و أر بعين نوع.

Q18: Have you seen kuuri ḥamra cows with Arabs or Bornu?


س18: رأيت البقر كورى حمرة مع العرب او مع البرنو؟

Only with Fallaata.

Al Fallaata bas.

الفلاته بس.

Q19: Do tribes such as the Arabs or the Bornu or the Dinka try to buy them?


س19: والقبائل مثل العرب والبرنو والدينكا يحاولون ان يشتروه؟

Only for slaughter. They do not buy them (otherwise) and we do not buy from them because they do not like these cattle that do not like the village.

Illa aj jizaara bas. Maa gaaʿida tishtarii waa maa bibiiʿuu leehum liʾannahum ma itwajahuu li bagar da wa maa daair ḥilla.

لا الجزارة بس. ما قاعدة تشترى وما ببيعوا ليهم لا أنو ما اتوجهو للبقر دا وما داير حلة.

Because they like far away pastures. The Borgu and the Hausa all live in towns. The names 'Bornu' and 'Borgu' are similar, but they do not refer to one tribe. Mbororo are not with them. They are different from one another.

Laannu daair khalla. Al Borgu wa l Hausa kullu madaʾin. Bornu wa Borgu ism gariib lee baʿaḍ laakin gabaaʾil maa fii. Umm Bororo maa waaḥid. Mukhtalifaat lee baʿaḍ.

لأن داير خلة. البرقو والهوسا كل مدائن. برنو وبرقو اسم قريب لى بعض لكن قبائل ما فى. ام برورو ما واحد. مختلفات لى بعض.

Q20: And now the kuuri ḥamra cattle is like an identity marker for you?


س20: والان بقر كورى حمرة مثل علامتكم؟

[Informant has not understood the question, but takes up the word ʿalaama (‘sign’)]

The sign and the name belong to the original cattle.

ʿAllaamaat wasm bitaʿ Bagar aṣliy.

علامة وسم بتاع بقر أصلى.

Q21: The cattle are a sign for you. When you see from afar a certain tribe, you see also a certain type of cattle. For example the kuuri ḥamra, if you see them, does it mean that there is a certain tribe?


س21: البقر علامه لك. عندما رايت من بعيد قبيلة معينة رايت بقر معينة. مسلاً زي كورى حمرة لو رايتها معناها فى قبيلة معينة؟

They belong to one Fulani tribe. Woyla have kuuri ḥamra, but these have got long horns. There are also Woyla who have kuuri ḥamra but with different horns.

Bitaaʿ gabiila Fulaani. Woyla zeey kuuri ḥamra laakin ʿinduh garin ṭawiil. Taani Woyla zeey kuuri ḥamra laakin ʿinduh ikhtilaaf fii l garin.

بتاع قبيلة فلانى. ويله أي كورى حمرة لكن عنده قرن طويل. تانى ويله زي كورى حمرة لكن عنده اختلاف فى القرن.

Woyla have got them (i.e., kuuri ḥamra cattle) going up three metres (from the ground to the tips of their horns?). But the horns belonging to the original kuuri ḥamra are small, although their body size is big.

Woyla zey talaata mitir maashii foog. Laakin bitaaʿ kuuri ḥamra aṣlii biguum ṣaghayyir laakin hajim bikuun kabiir.

ويله زي تلات متر ماشى فوق لكن بتاع كورى حمرة اصلى بقوم صغير لكن حجم بكون كبير.

The bull belonging to the original kuuri ḥamra – i.e., the bull which is not mixed – is of a size close to the height of the camel.

At tuur bitaaʿ kuuri ḥamra aṣliy, maa mujannas, bisawii gariib le ṭuul aj jamal.

التور بتاع كورى حمرة اصلى ما مجنس بساوى قريب لطول الجمل.

The legs are thin, the size is big, the horns are small, and the ears are so small.

Al kurʿeen hagguu rigeyguun wa hajmuh kabiir wa garin ṣaghayyir wa l adaan ṣaghayyir kida.

الكرعين حقو رقيقون وحجمه كبير وقرن صغير والادان [=الاضان] صغير كدا.

Q22: The cattle with long horns and weak legs belong to which tribe?


س22: البقر القرنها طويل ورجلينها ضعيف بتنتمى لى ياتى قبيلة؟

Fallaata Woyla. The Fallaata who have got these facial scars.

Fallaata Woyla. Fallaata ʿindahum shiluukh kida.

فلاتة ويلة. فلاتة عندهم شلوخ كدا.

Fallaata Woyla have got three facial scars [informant makes horizontal movement across the cheek].

Fallaata Woyla, Fallaata ʿindahum talaata shiluukh kida.

الفلاتة ويلة عندهم تلات شلوخ كدا.

But, all the same, originally, they have such holes (perforated earlobes).

Da kullu saaii laakin ʿalaa ṭ ṭabiiʿa asaas ʿindahum gadda kida.

دى كل ساى لكن على الطبيعة اساس عندهم قدة كدا.

As to the other tribes, they do have scars, but not originally.

Amma gabaaʾil taanii biʿamluu shiluukh laakin maa ʿalaa ṭ ṭabiiʿa.

اما قبائل تانى بعملوا شلوخ لكن ما على الطبيعة.

Q23: If the original kuuri ḥamra stay close to town, is there enough grass for them?


س23: الكورى حمرة اصلى عندما تكون قريباً من المدينة، فى حشيش كافى يعيشوا هنا؟

By their nature the kuuri ḥamra like much pasture in the rainy season, and in the summer they like dry grass.

Tabiiʿ kuuri ḥamra da daair gash katiir fii l khariif wa fii ṣ ṣeef daair gash naashif.

طبيع كورى حمرة دا داير قش كتير فى الخريف وفى الصيف داير قش ناشف.

Q24: Now you are in Damazin; where do you go in the other months?


س24: الان انتم فى الدمازين، اين تذهبون فى باقى الشهور؟

People now are in the Damazin area, but in a little while they will go to another area. Their activities in Damazin last for three months.

Mawjudiin fii daakhil araaḍii ad Damaaziin al leyla laakin baaʿd shuwayya biguumuu bimshuu balad taani. Biʿaamaluu fii d Daamazin talaata shuhuur.

موجدين فى داخل اراضى الدمازين الليلة لكن هم بعد شوية بقوموا بمشوا بلد تانى. بعملوا فى الدمازين تلات شهور.

And after these three months they turn this way (north). They stay there for three months.

Wa fii zarf talaata shuhuur da hum rajʿiin kida. Yamkuthuuna talaata shuhuur.

وفى زرف تلات شهور دا هم راجعين كدا. يمكثون تلات شهور.

Q25: And where in the north?


س25: وشمال الى وين؟

Wad an-Nail.

Wad an Nayyal.

ود النيل.

Q26: How many kilometers is Wad an-Nail from here?


س26: ود النيل كم كيلومتر من هنا؟

From here to Wad an-Nail there are about like fifty something kilometers.

Min hina lee Wad an Nayyal tagriiban kida biyaʿmal kam u khamsiin kilumitir.

من هنا لى ود النيل تقريباً كدا بيعمل كم وخمسين كيلومتر.

Q27: And after that?


س27: وبعدين؟

After that they advance to Malakal in the south. They go to Ethiopia. And (after Malakal) to Nasir.

Baʿadeen fii j januub bikhushshuu lee Malakaan. Bimshuu lee Asyubiya. Wa an Naaṣir.

بعدين فى الجنوب بخشوا لى ملكان. بمشوا لى اسيوبية [إثيوبية] والناصر.

After that they enter the area called Baajoo, at the border. It is in the Sudan but at the border. After that they enter Baamaasa in Abyssinian land.

Baʿadeen bimshuu fii manṭiga biguuluu leehaa Baajoo. Ḥuduud, fii s Suudaan laakin ḥuduud. Baʿadeen fii manṭiga Habash bikhushshuu fii Baamaasa.

بعدين بخشوا فى منطقة بقولوا ليها باجو. حدود، فى السودان لكن حدود. بعدين فى منطقة حبش بخشوا فى باماسة.

Q28: And which tribe is there in Ethiopia?


س28: وفى اى قبيلة فى اثيوبية؟

There are nomadic Fallaata in an area called Jaasir.

Fii Fallaata bitaaʿiin khala zaatuu fii ḥitta biguuluu leeha Jaasir.

فى فلاتة بتاعين خلا ذاتو فى حتة بقولوا ليها جاسر.

From there onwards they go to Begi and Gambela. They move about there for six months, and after six months they return.

Minuu ṭawaalii bimshuu Beeke wa Rumbeela. Bimshu hina sitta shuhuur wa baʿad as sitta shuhuur di hum rajʿiin ṭawaalli.

منو طوالى بمشوا بيكى ورمبيلة. بمشوا هنا ستة شهور وبعد الستة شهور دى هم راجعين طوالى.

Q29: Is there a tribe called Oromo?


س29: فى قبيلة واحدة سمى أرومو؟

There is a tribe called Oromo, partly from Gamba, and there is a tribe called Galla and Tirikaaka (?) at the border between Ethiopia and Kenya.

Fii gabiila hinnaak ismahaa Oromo, juzʾ min Gamba, fii gabiila biguuluu leeha Galla wa Tirikaaka fii ḥuduud beena Istyuubiya wa Kenya.

فى قبيلة هناك اسمها أرومو، جزء من قمبا، فى قبيلة بقولوا ليها قلة وتريكاكة فى حدود بين اثيوبية وكينيا.

But there are Oromo going with cattle like us on the pastures.

Laakin fii Oromo maashiin maʿa l bagar zeyyanaa kida fii l khala.

لكن فى الأرومو ماشين مع البقر زيَّنا كدا فى الخلا.

Q30: Do problems occur between the tribes on the pastures because of grazing?


س30: فى مشاكل بتحصل بين قبائل فى الخلا بسبب المرعى؟

There are problems between the Tirikaaka and Oromo on the border between Ethiopia and Kenya. There are tribes belonging to the Oromo using these places who do not like any other cattle to enter there.

Fii mashaakil bitaḥṣal beena gabaʾil Tirikaaka wa l Oromo fi l ḥuduud Istyuubiya wa Kenya. Fii gabaaʾil bitaaʿat Oromo biʿamluu kida ma daaiir taanii ayyu bagar bikhushshuu fiihu.

فى مشاكل تحصل بين قبائل تركاكة والارومو في الحدود بين اثيوبية وكينيا. فى قبائل بتاعة أرومو بعملوا محل كدا ما داير تاني أي بقر بخشوا فيه.

The Dinka have things such as the Jazira (i.e., such as an island). During the rainy season they block it like a forest reserve.

Wa Deenka ʿindu ḥaajaat kida biʿamaluu zee Jaziira kadii min al khariif kadii biḥjiz ghaabaat kida.

ودينكا عند حاجات كدا بعملوا زى جزيرة كدى من الخريف كده بحجز غابات كدا.

No cattle enter there, except their own.

Ayyu bagar maa yakhushsh fiihu illa bagarhum zaatuu.

أي بقر ما يخش فيه الا بقرهم ذاتو.

The cattle go to the pasture by themselves.

Bikhalli baggar mashii baraahu kida.

بخلى بقر ماشى براهو كده.

These Dinka are Southerners and because of that they always cause problems.

Deel Deenka janubiyyiin ʿashaan kida daaʾiman bisabbib al mashaakil.

ديل دينكا جنوبين عشان كدا دائماً بسبب المشاكل.

Q31: Are those Dinka in Ethiopia?


س31: الدينكا ديل فى اثيوبية؟

There are Dinka who are nationals of Ethiopia, apart from their ‘brothers’ in the Sudan.

Fii Deenka muwaaṭiiniin fii Istyuubiya baagii ikhwaanum fii s Suudaan.

فى دينكا مواطنيين فى استيوبية باقى اخوانهم فى السودان.

Q32: Are there problems between the nomads?


س32: فى مشاكل بين الرحال؟

The Dinka are nomads; the Oromo are nomads; the  Mbororo are nomads.

Deenka ruḥal; Oromo ruḥal; Umm Bororo ruḥal.

دينكا رحل،  أرومو رحل، أم برورو رحل.

These are three tribes. The Dinka and the Oromo are close to the border. Here in the Sudan they move in the vicinity of each other, and that is why there are always problems.

Talaata gabaaʾil deel. Deenka wa l Oromo gariibaat ḥuduud. Hina hum fii s Suudaan maashiin gariibaat baʿaḍ bisabibuu mashaakil ṭawaalii.

تلات قبائل ديل. دينكا والأرومو قريبات حدود. هنا فى السودان ماشين قريبات بعض بسببو مشاكل طوالى.

Q33: When do these problems occur?


س33: المشاكل دى بتحصل متين؟

After the nomadic tribes go to Ethiopia.

Baʿad maa al gabaaʾil ar raʿawiyya yimshuu lee Istyubiya.

بعدما القبائل الرعوية يمشوا لى استيوبيا.

Q34: Can you give us an example of problems about water or grazing between the Dinka, Oromo and Mbororo tribes?


س34: القبائل الدينكا والأرومو والأم برورو ممكن تعطينا مثال للمشاكل الحصلت. عن الماء والحشيش بينهم؟

There are problems to the extent that people die every year.

Ḥaṣal mushkila lahaddii maa fii naas maatoo kullu sanna.

حصل مسكلة لحدى ما فى ناس ماتو كل سنة.

Now there is a court case in Malakal between Dinka and Fallaata, because of pasture and water.

Hasseʿ fii gaḍiyya fii Malakaan bayna ad Deenka wa l Fallaata bisabab al gash wa l mooya.

هسع فى قضية فى ملكان بين الدينكا والفلاتة بسبب القش والمويه.

These Fallaata are Mbororo.

Al Fallaata deel, Umm Bororo.

الفلاتة ديل أم برورو.

Q35: Where do these problems occur?


س35: المشاكل دي حصلت وين؟

In a place called Um Jalahaat. Because of pasture and waters.

Fii hitta biguuluu leeha Umm Jalahaat. Sababo al gash wa l mooya.

في حته بيقولو ليها ام جلهات. سببو القش و الموية.

Q36: Where is this Um Jalahaat?


س 36: أم جلحات دى فى وين؟

In Southern Sudan. In a place called Jikaw there is now a problem because of water. Three million head of cattle died and five million head of small stock have been taken.

Fii januub as Suudaan. Fii mantega biguuluu leehaa Jikau fii mushkila hasseʿ gaaiim bisababi al mooya wa l gash. Laḥaddii maa fii bahaaiim maatat zeey talaata malyoon min al bagar wa aḍ ḍaan zey hamsa malyoon kullu shaaloo.

فى جنوب السودان فى منطقة بقولوا ليها جكو فى مشكلة هسع غايم بسبب الموية والقش. لحدى مافى بهايم ماتت زى تلات مليون من البقر والضان زى خمسة مليون كلو شالو.

The livestock were in Nasir; the Southerners took them (there). And the small stock may be about five million. All have been taken to Nasir. And now we have started with negotiations.

Al bahaaiim mawjuuda fii n Naasir, sasgoo Januubiin. Wa ḍ ḍaan bijii zeey hamsa malyoon kullu saagoo lee Naaṣir. Wa niḥna hasseʿ gaaiimiyiin li l gaḍiyya di.

البهايم موجودة فى ناصر ساقو جنوبيين بجى زى خمسة مليون كل ساقو لى ناصر ونحن هسع قايمين للقضية دى.

Q37: Who is solving this problem, the police or the army?


س37: المشكلة دى بحلها البوليس ولا الجيش؟

Only the army.

Illa aj jeysh.

إلا الجيش.

When that problem occurred there were four men with us. They started from here and went there (i.e., Southern Sudan) and gave one hundred and sixty head of cattle (to the soldiers). When they left here, they (i.e., the four men) went with some fifty soldiers.

Wagit al mushkila di haṣalat ʿindanaa arbaʿa rijaal. Gaamoo min hina mashoo hinaak adoo miʾa wa sittiin raas bagar. Wagit ʿadoo min hina saagoo bee kam wa khamsiin ʿasaakir.

وقت المشكلة دى حصلت عندنا أربع رجال قاموا من هنا مشوا هناك أدوا (أعطوا) مية وستين راس بقر وقت عدوا من هنا ساقوا من هنا بكم وخمسين عساكر.

They (i.e., the soldiers) took them to a place called Baanshuure and afterwards the government (i.e., the soldiers) left.

Saagoo waddoo lee balad biguuluulee Baanshuuree ḥattan al ḥukuuma rajaʿat.

ساقوا ودوا لى بلد بقولوا لى بانشورى حتاً الحكومة رجعت.

But many animals died on the way.

Laakin bahaaiim katiir matoo fii ad darib.

لكن بهايم كتير ماتوا فى الدرب.

The place is far. They walked three days. And the rest of the cattle were left in Damazin, because no water could be found there.

Balad ṭawiil. Mashiin talaata yoom bi l kurʿeen. Wa baagii bagar da khalloo fii ad Damaaziin laḥaddi maa ikuun fii mooya yuwaddoo hinaak.

بلد طويل. ماشين تلات يوم بالكرعين وباقى البقر دا خلوا فى الدمازين لحدى ما يكون فى موية يودوا هناك.

Q38: Are there problems of a similar kind with the Oromo?


س38: فى مشاكل مثل نوع مع الأرومو؟

We are neighbours 100%, and there are no problems.

Jaraniin mia l mia mashaakil maa fii.

جرانين مية المية، مشاكل مافى.

Q39: Are those Oromo farmers?


س39: الأرومو ديل فلاحين؟

They are agriculturalists, and there are people who own cattle among them.

Ziraaʿiin wa ʿindahum naas bitaaʿiin bagar baraahum.

زراعين وعندهم ناس بتاعين بقر براهم.

Q40: What did you buy from the Oromo?


س40: أنتم تشترون شنو من الأرومو؟

Little calves.

Al ijjuul aṣ ṣughaar.

العجول الصغار.

Q41: But you have many cattle!


س41: لكن عندكم بقر كثير!

Every year there are cattle that die. If we did not buy them, they would all die.

Kulli sanna fii bagar yamuut. Idha maa nashtarii yamuutuu kullahum.

كل سنة فى بقر يموت. إذا ما نشترى يموتوا كلهم.

Q42: Your kuuri ḥamra cattle will change if you buy from them.


س42: بقركم الكورى الحمرة بختلف إذا إشتريتوا منهم!

If these cattle (we bought) interbreed with kuuri ḥamra, their colour will change (to that of the kuuri ḥamra).

Bagarna da lau wilid maʿa kuuri ḥamra loon bikhtalif.

بقرنا دا لو ولد مع كورى حمرة لون بختلف.

[Günther Schlee asks Sheikh Baabo ʿUmar in Oromo language whether he knows any Oromo. The result is negative. The question was repeated in Arabic and the fact that the informant does not know any Oromo is confirmed by him].

Q43: How do you speak with them?


س43: كيف تتكلم معهم؟

We speak with them in the Arabic language; all the schools are in Arabic.

Natakallam maʿahum bi l luga l ʿarabiyya, madaaris kullu bi l ʿarabiy.

نتكلم معهم باللغة العربية، مدارس كل بالعربى.

Q44: The Oromo in Ethiopia speak Arabic?


س44: الأرومو فى اثيوبية يتحدثون اللغة العربية؟

In Beni Shangul all the schools are in Arabic.

Fii Banii Shanguul madaaris kullu bi l ʿarabii.

فى بنى شنقول مدارس كل بالعربى.

Q45: And are they all Muslims?


س45: وكلهم مسلمين؟




Q46: Do they speak Arabic well or just a bit?


س46: يتحدثون العربى كويس او قليلا قليلا؟

Not all of them; some of them know Arabic.

Maa kullahum, juzʿu minhum biʿarif al ʿarabiy.

ما كلهم جزء منهم بعرف العربى.

Q47: And are there any problems with the Ethiopian government – and, if so, of which kind?


س47: وفى مشاكل مع الحكومة الإثيوبية وأى نوع؟

There are no problems, but there are Bani Shangul and Gumuz who keep on attacking us, naturally on this side of the Sudanese border.

Maafii mashaakil laakin fii Bani Shanguul kan gaʿadeen yaḍarbuunaa wa Gumus, laakin tabʿan min ḥuduud as Suudaan hinna.

مافى مشاكل لكن فى بنى شنقول كان قعدين يضربونا وقمس لكن طبعا من حدود السودان هنا.

And any place where there is an Oromo leadership there are no problems. That’s it.

Wa ayyi ḥitta fiiha sulṭa Oromom maa fii mashaakil khalaaṣ.

وأى حته فيها سلطة أرومو مافى مشاكل خلاص.

Between the two sides, Bani Shangul and Gumuz – between them there are problems.

Fii janibeen, Bani Shanguul wa Gumus, beinaatum fii mashaakil.

فى جانبين بنى شنقول، قمس، بيناتم فى مشاكل.

Between the Fallaata, and the Gumuz there are problems.

Beyna l Fallaata wa Gumus fii mashaakil.

بين الفلاته وقمس فى مشاكل.

Between the Fallaata, the Oromo, and the Ethiopian government there are none.

Beyna al Fallaata, Oromo wa l ḥukuma Istubiya ma fii.

فلاته أرومو والحكومة إستوبية مافى.

Q48: Are the Bani Shangul a tribe?


س48: بنى شنقول قبيلة؟

It is a name of a tribe, but within this tribe there are differences.

Ism gabiila zeey, laakin juuwa fii farik.

اسم قبيلة زى لكن جوة فى فرك (فرق) .

There are Funj, Dawwaala, Jabalawiin (mountain people), there are Berta, Ragaarig (‘Black people’), Falaatik, Jumjumaana, and all of them are Bani Shangul.

Fii Foonj, Dawwaala, aj Jabalawiin, fii Barta, Ragaariig, Falaatiik, Junjumaana, wa fii jumla kullu Bani Shanguul.

فى فونج، دوالة، الجبلاوين، فى برته، رقازيق فلاتيك جنجومانه وفى جمله كل بنى شنقول.

And also the Gumuz are Bani Shangul.

Wa Gumus bardu Bani Shanguul.

وقمس بردو بنى شنقول.

Q49: And what does ‘Bani Shangul’ mean?


س49: وبنى شنقول دا معناه شنو؟

It is the name of an area (i.e., Beni Shangul) like Damazin here.

Ism balad zey Damaaziin da.

إسم بلد زى دمازين دا.

Q50: Why are they called this?


س50: يسموهم كدا ليه؟

From the colonial times they stayed in an area half way between Ethiopia and the Sudan, and in this area there is a collection of tribes with different vernaculars.

Min zaman istiʿmar gaʿadoo fii manṭiga fii nus beyna Istyubiya wa s Suudaan wa manṭiga bitlim gabaaʾil bitaaʿat ruṭaana.

من زمن الاستعمار قعدوا فى منطقة فى نس بين استيوبيه والسودان ومنطقة بتلم قبائل بتاعة رطانة.

Q51: And there are many vernaculars in the area of Beni Shangul?


س51: ومنطقة بتاعة بنى شنقول دى بتاعة رطانة؟

There are many languages. Some of them are also spoken in Ethiopia.

Fii katiir min al lughaat, wa juzʿu fii Istyubiya.

فى كتير من اللغات وجزء فى استيوبية.





1) The Sultan in question was a son of Attahiru, the last ruler to assume the position of Caliph in Sokoto before British rule.

2) Naaẓir: head of the highest administrative unit in the British colonial Native Administration system, a unit usually constituted by a tribe with traditional tribal land.

3) The term ‘Mahdiyya’ refers here to the Mahdist era (1882-1898).

4) ‘Ng’ in Fulfulde becomes نق in Arab transcription.

5) Attahiru (At-Tahir) advocated emigration from Sokoto after the British forces defeated the armies of the Sokoto Caliphate in the battle of Sokoto in March 1903. He then headed east with a number of followers before being killed by the British at Burmi in July 1903. After his death Mai-Wurno became the new leader of the migratory movement that started with the fall of the Caliphate.

6) Kuuri is itself a term that means ‘cattle with big horns’ in Fulfulde (see also Dominique Noye [1989]: Dictionnaire Foulfouldé-Français – Dialecte Peul du Diamaré Nord-Cameroun. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, p. 210).