Kinship and Social Security

An interdisciplinary project with an anthropological agenda
funded by the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme
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Project news

»   KASS Policy Brief[... klick]
»   Please find the book preview here [... klick]
»   Summary of our main findings here [... klick]
»   Conference 'Kinship and Social Security in Europe'- Conference proceedings (...pdf)
»   27th - 30th June 2006 - KASS research-meeting

The KASS research-meeting has taken place from the 27th until 30th June 2006 at the 'Festsaal' in the Meerscheinschlössl at Karl-Franzens-University Graz. 42 scientists from 9 countries reviewed fieldwork and historical findings prior to the final year of analysis and report writing.

»   23th - 25th Novenber 2005 - Social-historical research-meeting in Graz
»   29th September 2005 - Version 1.03 fixes last bugs.
»   June 2005 - Second round of statistical material for the historical research is available.
»   11th May 2005 - The KNQ Software in version 1.0 is available in 7 languages.

Screenshot of the question mode.

»   01th April 2005 - The fieldwork research will begin.
»   23th December 2004 - The v0.2 revised KNQ-release fixes some bugs.
»   21th December 2004 - The first translated KNQ is now available in German.
»   15th December 2004 - The KNQ Software is available in version 0.1 for general trials.
»   01th November 2004 - The historical research will begin.
»   22th October 2004 - The new project website is online.
»   07th - 09th October 2004 - Kick-off-meeting in Halle. [... Agenda]

The kick-off-meeting of our project has taken place from the 7th until 9th October 2004 at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle. More than 30 scientists from 9 countries discussed fundamental ideas, the research strategy, aspects of fieldwork, historical methods and the organisation of further work. In a brave and enthusiastic way they tested the Kinship Network Questionnaire (KNQ) and exchanged opinions about many aspects of the research design. But there was also time to become acquainted with each other and for informal conversation. These three days proved to be a very productive time for the project, identifying several ways in which the plans for the following research can be enhanced.

»   17th - 18th July 2004 - KASS working group meeting in Halle.
»   01th Mai 2004 - Start of the project.
coordinated by: Dr. Patrick Heady
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany
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