Kinship and Social Security

An interdisciplinary project with an anthropological agenda
funded by the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme
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Contractors and involved persons

No.    Contractors Persons involved

1    Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology Halle [... info] Patrick Heady (Coordinator)
Nevill Colclough [... info]
Heiko Kastner (Coordination assistant)
Martin Kohli [... info]
Gordon Milligan
Tatjana Thelen

2    Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research Rostock [... info] Laura Bernardi

3    Max-Planck-Institute for Research into Economic Systems Jena [... info] Werner Güth

4    Karl-Franzens-University Graz [... info] Hannes Grandits (Historical coordinator)
Siegfried Gruber
Carolin Leutloff-Grandits

5    Austrian Institute for Family Studies Vienna [... info] Johannes Pflegerl

5    University of Vienna [... info] Peter Schweitzer
Gertraud Seiser
Elisabeth Strasser

6    Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Research Zagreb [... info] Jasna Capo Zmegac

7    Université Paris X-Nanterre [... info] Georges Augustins
Martine Segalen

8    Université de Franche-Comté Besancon [... info] Sophie Chevalier

9    University of Cologne [... info] Michael Schnegg

10    Universitá Degli Studi di Siena [... info] Pier Giorgio Solinas

11    Catholic University Nijmegen [... info] Hans Marks

12    Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan [... info] Michal Buchowski
Stefan Kowal

13    Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences [... info] Alexander Nikulin
Dmitry Rogozin

14    Södertörns högskola Huddinge [... info] David Gaunt

15    Nicolaus Copernikus University Torun [... info] Andrezej Kaleta
Monika Kwiecinska

16    Georg-August-University Göttingen [... info] Heidi Rosenbaum

17    University of Udine [... info] Gianpaolo Gri
Francesca Visintin

18    University of Milano-Bicocca [... info] Simone Ghezzi

19    Catholic University of Lublin [... info] Leon Dyczewski

20    University of Torino [... info] Pier Paolo Viazzo

Neville Colclough's home institution is University of Kent [... info],
but he will be working with MPI for Social Anthropology for the purposes of KASS.

Martin Kohli's home institution is European University Institute Florence [... info],
but he will be working with MPI for Social Anthropology for the purposes of KASS.

coordinated by: Dr. Patrick Heady
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany
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